LifeChange has a homeschool co-op?  YES we do! We are a group of regularly attending LifeChange families who all homeschool all, some or one of our children.  Our humble beginnings started in fall of 2021 when several families started gathering monthly for some social and enrichment.   

Today we offer classes for students who are kindergarten age and above.  During our fall trimester we offered the classes and opportunities below. Every week we start our meetings with a bit of socal of course, Bible reading, Bible trivia, and prayer before we head to our parent classes. 

Science for 3rd to 9th grade (1st hour):
This class is taught by one parent, following a curriculum written and prepared for specifically for our co-op by a local teacher with hands on activities and a occasional homework assignments. 

Young Science (1st hour)
This class is for our younger scientists in Kindergarten to 2nd grade, as well as any younger siblings to those in either science class.  

Life Skills (2nd hour)
Our desire with this class is to have fun while learning a new skill. The skills taught depend on who is available to teach and help plan each class. We have enjoyed learning the process of canning, experiencing the whole process from the garden to the finished canning jar into storage. We look forward to new experiences in the new trimester.    

History Reading Club (2nd hour)
Let’s learn together by teaching someone else.  Each student or family selects a book from a preselected genre, four to five weeks later we present a report about what we learned in that picture book or chapter book.  Some students work independently while others do it as a family. 

Game day (2nd hour)
Just like the name, it truly is game day.  We gather during our second hour class to play games and socialize.

English Enrichment (2nd hour)
This class covers a variety of english topics and is subject to the topic the teacher selects. Some of the topics we have covered are Outlines, Roman Numerals, and How to write directions (and why they are important). 

Field Trips
Field trips are so much fun with friends and even better with a group rate.  When a parent from the co-op plans a field trip we extend the invitation to our fellow LifeChange homeschool families to join those who are taking classes with the co-op. 

Moms’ Night Out
Moms sometimes need to gather without our beloved children with other homeschool mothers.  This is a very informal event in a private home, topics vary.

Family Potlucks
A few times a year we will gather as homeschooler families just to connect and include the whole family.  We meet 3-4 times a year at the Church building.  

Our classes and opportunities are offered a-la-cart.  However, if you participate in any classes we ask that your family attends class regularly and a parent volunteers to help with the co-op in some way.  Some will be teachers, helpers, field trip planners and so much more.  If you have any questions please reach out to Kimberly our Co-op Coordinator at

Thanks for stopping by to check us out!

Frequently Asked Questions

When is open enrollment?
Enrollment for fall trimester closes on August 1.
Enrollment for winter trimester closes on December 31.
Enrollment is not currently open for the spring trimester. Due to the shortness of the trimester we have not opened it. 

Do I need to re-register every trimester?
No, once you register in the fall we plan on you attending all school year unless you make other arrangements. We simply open enrollment for others to join in.

Do I need to be a member of LifeChange to attend the co-op?
You need to be regularly attending Sunday service with your children.

What is the cost of the co-op?
The co-op currently does not charge any registration fees but we do ask that any family who participates in classes volunteer their time to help teach classes or with the organization structure. When we do have fees it will be to purchase curriculum that you will use in class and at home, general supplies that we will share the cost of and then become the property of the co-op such as art supplies, paper, and pencils, the cost of a class that you teach, or the tickets you purchase for a field trip for your family. LifeChange has graciously allowed us to use the building and supports us as a ministry but we do not have a budget from the church.  

What is your sickness policy?
We follow the LifeChange sickness policy.

Do I drop my kids off and get a free morning?
No, we are a co-opperative (co-op).  We work together without a current budget to create classes, field trips and special opportunities for the group. A parent or family adult is required to attend with each family.

I have to work, may I drop my kids off and come back to get them?
No, an adult is required to be in the classroom with your child at all times. For occasional events or special circumstances, you may send a family member in your place or ask another co-op parent but please refrain from asking a parent who will be teaching that morning.  Their job is to teach, not also take care of your child(ren) who might be younger than the class they are teaching. 

I have children in different classes, how can I be in multiple classes at the same time?
We require that one adult per family be on the church campus participating with the co-op when your students are present.

What ages may participate in the co-op?
When your oldest homeschool student who has completed preschool and of kindergarten age, not just working on kindergarten curriculum.  Younger siblings are then welcome to join in as well.  

Who may participate in the field trips?  
Any family who is currently a LifeChange regular attender who is homeschooling their children PK and above. Families do not need to attend classes to be on our field trip list. 

I have a great idea for a field trip, may I plan it for the group?
Reach out to our co-op coordinator at to discuss options and details.

How much homework will students have?
That will depend on which class it is.  Currently we only have homework in History Reading Club and occasionally in the older science class.  All other classes only require you to show up with your supplies. 

What is your schedule at LifeChange co-op?  
We gather for devotions, prayer, Bible trivia, and announcements.  First hour we have all our science classes.  Second hour we rotate through 4 different classes. Depending on the week we may stay and socialize after class, like one does after church on Sunday mornings.