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We’re not sure what you’ve heard about Jesus up to this point in your life. But one thing we want you to know: Jesus is crazy about YOU! Nevermind your issues, your past, your hangups or your habits. Jesus really does long to have a personal relationship with you. Not a religion. An actual relastionship!

We would love to hear from you so that we can help provide resources to help you in your faith journey!

Check out the short video clips below to understand the good news that God has for all of us.

Reality #1  Understand that God really does love you. 


Reality #2  That he gave his only son...


Reality #3 The Good News is for all of us!


Reality #4  There is hope for a new future!


Any comments, questions or decisions? Connect with us and let us know how we can serve you!

Video clips courtesy of PeaceWithGod.net